Friday, 20 November 2015

فیض احمد فیض اور اقبال بانو ۔ اظہار اور جراٰت اظہار؟

ہم دیکھیں گے۔۔۔
کیا یہ ممکن ہے کہ فیض احمد فیض صاحب کی  شاعری کا تذکرہ ہو اور  ہم دیکھیں گے کی بازگشت نہ سنائی دے؟ 
در حقیقت یہ فیض صاحب کی شاعری نہیں تھی  بلکہ جیسے طبقاتی استحصال کے شکار عوام کے جذبات کو الفاظ مل گئے اور اقبال بانو صاحبہ نے اس نظم کو انتہائی غیر محسوس انداز سے پاکستان میں بائیں بازو کا ترانہ بنا دیا۔ اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کہ فیض صاحب کے کلام میں شائد ہی کسی اور نظم کو عوامی سطح پر اتنی پذیرائی ملی ہو جتنا اقبال بانو نے اس کلام کو دوام بخش دیا۔
پاکستان میں فیض صاحب کے مداحوں کی اکثریت کو شائید یہ معلوم نہ ہو گا کہ فیض احمد فیض نے جنرل ضیاالحق کی درخواست پر اس مقبول ترین نطم کو اپنی کلیات نسخہ ہائے وفا سے حزف کر دیا تھا۔ اس حقیقت کو جاننے کے بعد یہ عقدہ بھی کھلتا ہے کہ اس کلام میں فیض صاحب کے الفاظ تو ہیں مگر جرات اظہا ر کا کریڈٹ اقبال بانو کو ہی دینا ہو گا۔ مت بھولیں کہ ۱۹۸۰ کا عشرہ ہو۔ ایک پاکستانی خاتون اور موسیقی ۔ یقینا اقبال بانو کا آہنی حوصلہ ہی اس نظم کو امر کر گیا۔
برطانیہ کا آئین کہیں تحریری شکل میں تو موجود نہیں مگراس نے ایک عظیم ایمپائر کی بنیاد رکھی بالکل اسی طرح ایک آمر نے قرطاس سے الفاظ کو تو مٹا دیا مگر اقبال بانو نے اپنی آواز سے عوامی امنگوں کی تعبیر رقم کر دی۔

Monday, 16 November 2015

Democracy in South Asia

South Asian region is giving a wakeup call to the West where democracy is becoming a name of extremism. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and even Burma has seen extremist elements assuming charge of the governments  through the power of vote - only to teach lesson to minority communities.

Monday, 28 September 2015

India Pakistan Relations - madness has no bounds

India Pakistan peace is not possible unless political leaders from both the countries decide to lead the talks as well as peace initiatives.

How ironic is the fact that Mr Modi heads the largest democracy of the world yet he shies away from accepting democracy in Kashmir while Pakistanis always scorn democracy in their own house hold and want military to take the lead in country at the same time expecting Indians to ensure democracy in Kashmir.

Narratives from both the sides appear outcome of diplomatic fallacies... do you agree?

When it comes to India Pakistan relations, the leaders from the two countries duck down under public pressures.

Pakistan sinks in religious extremism.

Modi and Muslim massacre

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Reason for Saudi accidents: Royal family?

Royal Family of Saudi Arabia is being considered major reason for increasing deaths of Muslims all over the world. Increasing financial expenditures by princess and princesses have placed pressures on otherwise faltering Saudi economy.

Saudi Arabia's economy is facing pressures due to lowered oil prices a trend that is expected to further accelerate after apparent lifting of sanctions from Iran by the West. Fearing threat from the dissidents within the family, the Kingdom had increased the stipends of royal family members besides launching youth welfare program.

The additional expenses were to be met by increasing tourism via Haj. A massive expansion program was initiated in haste and in order to save the time required to remove inactive cranes from the site.


Is it possible to converge over 3 million pilgrims at one point - Mina - in one single day? Despite being incapacitated, Saudi Government tries to expand and increase the number every year. Faith Economy contribute a major share to Saudi Arabia's economy. Many faithful are raising question if it is wise to spend Haj money in Saudi Arabia's war over Yemen? Or is it possible that Haj Economy be handed over to an OIC designated board instead of Saudi Royal family already becoming a source of embarrassment for Muslims among international community?

The frustration is increasing as the aged authoritarian rulers of Saudi Arabia are struggling to keep a grip on the power in a changing world.  There is a large segment of Muslim intelligentsia believing that Haj money requires to be accounted for and its disposal be made transparent by making the data available on the Website. On average a pilgrim spend US 4000 $ during Haj (Fortune / Washington post statistics) MOre than 3 million pilgrims and where the money goes??? A colossal amount it is and Muslim world remains under developed as the officially sanctions Islam of Saudi Family does not allow any other country to even maintain religious site other than mosques.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

European Migrant Crisis - Lessons from Pakistan

European Migrant Crisis
Europe needs a good dictator like Zia ul Haq who can safely provide home to refugees and at the same time Zakat donation collection to meet the financial burden. The country has to be Egypt where these refugees could easily integrate into the society and at the same time provide opportunities to ruling regimes get more stability. Do you agree?

Sunday, 2 August 2015

ملا عمر کا آسیب

جب ملا عمر  کی ہلاکت کی خبر بی بی سی سے  نشر ہوئی تو  کوئی اچنبے کی بات نہ تھی۔ یہ بھی بتایا گیا کہ  اسامہ بن لادن کے میزبان کی ہلاکت دو سال پیشتر پاکستان میں دو سال پیشتر ہوئی۔
ملا عمر کا اسامہ بن لادن سے تعلق اپنی جگہ مگر ان کی اصل وجہ شہرت یہ تھی کہ ان کی تصویر حاصل کرنا نا ممکنات سے رہا۔ ایک عشرہ سے زیادہ مدت وہ دنیا بھر کے صحافیوں اور ایجنسیوں کے اعصاب پر چھائے رہے۔ پاکستان میں ملاعمر کی ہلاکت میں حیرت کی کوئی بات نہیں کہ بھوت پریت تہزیبوں سے دور کھنڈرات ہی میں بسیرا کرتے ہیں اور دور حاضر میں پاکستان اور افغانستان ہی تہزیب سے دور رہے۔ 
پاکستان تو پے در پے طالع آزماوٗں کے رحم و کرم پر رہا جبکہ جنگ کی آگ افغانستان پر برس رہی تھی ایسے  میں ان دیکھے افسانوی کردار تہزیبوں سے زیادہ محفوظ دکھائی دیتے ہیں۔ ظلمت کی تیرگی میں قوموں کے رکھوالے اپنے معصوم عوام کو ایسے ہی کرداروں سے دھمکا کر سلانے کی کوششیں کرتے ہیں۔
جب کسی معاشرے سے تہذیب رخست ہو جاتی ہے تو سماجی نا انصافیاں معاشروں کو کھنڈرات میں تبدیل کر دیتی  ہیں اور پھر یہاں بھوت پریت بسیرا کرتے ہیں۔
ملا عمر کا کردار ببی کچھ اسی طرح کا ہے۔ ابلاغ کی اطلاعات تو یہ بھی بتاتی ہیں کہ ملا عمر کی صاحبزادی اسامہ بن لادن کے عقد میں تھیں اگر ایسا ہے تو داماد کو پناہ دینے والے کو بہت ہی معصوم سمجھا جانا چاہئے؟ بہر حال جب سوویت جہاد کے لئے ڈالر مل رہے تھے توبہت سے لوگوں نے گھوسٹ مدرسے بنا ڈالے۔ بہت سے لوگوں کا خیال ہے ملل عمر کا سرے سے کوئی وجود ہی نہیں تھا ۔ مللا صاحب کی ذیارت بھی صرف انھی لوگوں کو نصیب ہوئی جو حکومت وقت کے منظور شدہ صحافی تھے ۔ جی ہاں منظور نظر کے لئے اس سے بہتر الفاظ ہماری سوچ سے باہر ہیں۔ بہت سے لوگ تو آج بھی یہ سمجھتے ہیں کہ جنرل حمید گل کی تمام تر ظاقت ان کی فیس بک آئی ڈی نہیں بلکہ فیس لیس آئی ڈی تھی۔  جمہوریت کے تسلسل سے پاکستان میں یہ پرچھائیاں ختم ہوتی نظر آ رہی ہیں

Thursday, 30 July 2015

The Ghost of Mullah Omar

Two years from now, Mullah Omer is dead, but his followers have kept him alive and so are Afghan security officials

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Saudi Arabia to use Qadeer-bait for her ambitions to pursuade Israel

In the second week of July when US secretary of State John Kerry was finalizing details of the accord with Iranian Foreign minister Jawad Zarif, Pakistan's Prime Minister was amidst preparations for marriage of his grand daughter in Mecca. Meanwhile Pakistan's Ruet Committee was busy manipulating moon sighting for Eid according to Mr Sharif's wishes. Nawaz Sharif believed an Eid on Friday may be a bad omen for his rule in the country!

So detached is Pakistan's ruler from the changing geopolitical scenario that even nearly two weeks after the deal was reached, Pakistan's senior foreign office diplomat Mr Fatmi told Dawn newspaper that after the sanctions are lifted only then we can think of opportunities of economic ties.

The sleazy nuclear program of Iran was assisted by Pakistan's disgraced nuclear scientist Qadeer Khan had admitted in 2004 on state TV and evicted from any charges of financial corruption too.

As evident Saudi Arabia has never been so isolated in the Middle East and there only hope is Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who has remained loyal to the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia now want support from Pakistan for a nuclear initiative. While official support from Pakistan is the least likely Pakistan's scientists at sensitive appointments are likely to b trapped and past presidents of a military dictator being helpless in the matter civilian control over the nukes is a far probability.

Meanwhile, the possibility of US arranging bomb from Israel to fulfill Saudi ambitions are a likely course that may neither be annoying nor threatening by the US administration's definition for World Peace.

Also from the writer:

Iran and changing dynamics in the post-accord Middle East

What the deal means for Pakistan

Friday, 10 July 2015

Pakistan moves away from corrption. Why?

There is a famous saying that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Going by this phrase Pakistan is gradually moving away from absolute power. consistency and continuity of democracy has beginning to pay the dividends and finally we have seen again the talks and the public pressure to put an end to financial corruption.

When a minister in arrested (even many perceive it to be cosmetic arrangement) in KPK that means democracy is  taking roots.

A segment of media laments that only politicians are taken to task over corrupt practices. If that is so it is a great sign that our system is willing to raise  clean politicians, unlike dictators backed and promoted by US and the West. We have seen politicians been brought to the justice in the past too and if there was any softness over corruption it was none but the military dictators.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

A celecbrated dictator and an unsung ideologist

Pakistan was bombarded with the information of two persons in the last week of March. Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Ms Tahira Mazhar Ali.

Here are my understanding of the two persons lesser understood in Pakistan.

A handful of people in Pakistan found ideologies worth living and dying for. Tahira Mazhar Ali was one of the few. To her Marxism refused to die amidst the mist of Times . In a society where the word IDEOLOGY is still considered a text book coinage, Mohtarma Tahira Sahiba lived with her own ideologue. 

I am greatly impressed by the candid writings of Mr Tariq Ali - her prodigal son, yet I wonder why great ideologies are always cultivated in the backyards of wealthy LANDLORDS, so frequently scorned and abused? The reason is obvious anyone coming up from middle class is safely labeled a terrorist.

While Mr Lee is celebrated in the most established democracies, we have reasons to ask why we need dictators to in the East and Democrats in the West to Praise? In Pakistan all the dictators had ruled with US support leading Pakistan to poverty and extremism. Pervez Musharraf often equated himself as a Lee alternative in Pakistan.


The fall of the British Empires saw the rise of Authoritarianism. No dictator has ever been celebrated so much that even the most democratic nations found it so convenient to declare Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule 'a humble price for prosperity'. A time for Singapore to celebrate though, I found him the man who became an excuse for scores of dictators in the Third World Countries. My request to the people of Singapore, "Before u pay tribute to your leader, please remember the misfortune of the developing nations that suffered at the hands of dictators inspired by Mr Lee Kuan Yew". Rest in Peace!

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Now Karachi on a platter for Imran Khan?

Well-linked in UK, close relations with the establishment, Westernised yet a devout Muslim acceptable to Taliban, Imran Khan has managed all the pre-qualifications to enter Pakistan politics yet the coveted berth appear to the playboy cricketer - so near yet so far.

When Imran Khan donned Pakistan cap in 1971 Test match against England it was not on merit. He comes from an influential family, bureaucrats who took over key posts from the Raj. No one can better understand how to keep establishment cozy in turmoil than Imran Khan. An ambitious soul who is keen to grasp Pakistan's shadowy politics. From Pervez Musharraf to Ch Shujaat and Shah Mahmood Qureshi to Munawwar Hassan, Imran Khan can go to any extremes to pave his way to the country's top executive position - the Prime Minister.

Now in a carefully planned soft coup over Altaf Hussain, Imran Khan is keen to make a breakthrough in the noisy and complex metropolitan. Pakistan Rangers employed in Karachi for more than two decades found it opportune to raid Azizabad - the residential place of Altaf Hussain, leader of MQM - the only political force that truly represents middle-class of Pakistan's coveted urbanites.

Many still believe that the Khan is being used by the establishment to make grounds where the country's former military ruler finds a space in national politics. The country's establishment still believe that no one but only Pervez Musharraf can cash in on Muhajir sentiments.

What ever the outcome of elections in Karachi, Will of the people may still be the first casualty while restoring law as well as on order, the last priority.

Related articles:

Imran Khan: Pervez Musharraf's able Lieutenant

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Hope for a better society, even better Pakistan and the World

The Dawn of every new year offers a new hope for a better future. With this resolution I pledge to share my views so our goal of a better place for our children is achieved. our views on my thought are bound to crystalize  my thoughts.